Sea Girls

Manchester O2 Victoria Warehouse //Saturday 26th November 2022

A show in Manchester – a Moshmag review by Stanley D Kippax // Photography by David Dillon

The lively, youthful crowd who flocked to Sea Girl’s Manchester show – at O2 Victoria Warehouse – on Saturday night were not left disappointed. From the moment the lads swooped on stage, the backdrop festooned in perhaps the finest logo in music, there was a chaotic energy running through the place. The first chord was the cue for a football fan style beer shower, plastic pint pots emptied over ill-judged camera phones. An umbrella joined the mix later on, “we’re here to fucking party” lead singer Henry Camamile confirmed, a man more energetic than his name suggests.

Sea Girls thrust to prominence in 2019, hyped by the BBC and Radio X, the band’s debut album Open Up Your Head charted at number 3. Whilst some young bands can struggle with early success, wearing the weight of expectation like an albatross around their necks, Sea Girls matched this achievement with follow up album Homesick picking up loyal fans along the way. “The most important people are our fans” Camamile exclaimed, thanking a fan who had recently got in touch to tell them of his Sea Girls tattoo. It’s easier to see why. “Everyone’s very beautiful right here, just wanted to say that!” well it is Manchester Henry, what do you expect?!

In a change to usual proceeding Mrs Kippax joined me in our fruitless attempt to nudge the average age over 19. Standing at the back we took in the sights; a bouncing, leaping, swaying venue. Periodically a sweaty front row veteran would stumble past, taking a quick breather before throwing themselves back on the front line. Midway through the 3rd song a bloodied teenager was led to the wellness area in order to have his nose reattached to his face, an accidental stray elbow the likely culprit. For whilst boisterous, there was not an ounce of venom in the place. “No fucking men fuck with women at Sea Girls shows. We’ve got CCTV, we’ve got an amazing security team, any problems, catch their eye”. MoshMag always back that message and it’s pleasing how often it’s heard at gigs these days.

Immaculately dressed, when unrestrained by his guitar Camamile is a proper frontman, that’s not to say it holds him back, but who doesn’t enjoy a microphone swish every now and again? Unhappy with just the one stage with which to work from, he perched himself on an additional little stage riser at the front for most of the show. Removing himself from the main stage only encouraged guitarist Rory Young and Andrew Dawson (bass) to make full use of the recent vacated space. A constant whirl of kicks, spins and leaps the pair echoed the front row. A charismatic guitarist can turn a good set into a truly memorable one and in a week where we mourn the sad passing of one of the finest (RIP Wilko Johnson) it’s heartening to see Sea Girls are blessed with two.

As the lads flew through their set it became inevitable how the show would close, and Camamile tea’ed it up perfectly. Like the end of a student club night, song after song was belted back to the band. “I get a bit lonely” Camamile sang, which is hard to believe in front 3,500 adoring fans. Drawing to a close the thanks began. He thanked the fans for coming, he thanked his family, his friends and then he thanked his girlfriend. Turns out she does live in Manchester and she did go to their show. As for how they’re doing, I wouldn’t want to speak for the band, but from where I’m stood, pretty well it seems.

Check out our JUMBO gallery below.

Set List

  • Damage Done
  • Lucky
  • Open Up Your Head
  • Higher
  • Falling Apart
  • Transplant
  • Hometown
  • Too Much Fun
  • Ready For More
  • Adored
  • Sleeping With You
  • Why Won’t You Admit
  • Violet
  • Lonely
  • Sick
  • Do You Really Wanna Know?
  • Friends
  • Paracetamol Blues
  • Daisy Daisy (Encore)
  • All I Want to Hear You Say (Encore)
  • Call Me Out (Encore)

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