Manchester Apollo // Thursday 20th April 2023

“Such a funny thing for me try to explain” – a MoshMag review by Stanley D Kippax

Everybody’s saying Thursday’s the weekend….

NO! I’m sorry DMA’s, Thursday is not the weekend. Well except maybe at Easter…and perhaps other times we have weird bank holiday Friday. Unless it’s for something to do with the Royal Family, in which case it’s just a waste of time. Anyway, the point is Thursday is not the weekend and what’s more no one is saying it is.

That said, the length of queues for the bar at the Apollo on Thursday night you’d think we’d skipped straight through to Saturday 3 o’clock. As Stone Island jackets jostled for position for a pre-match pint MoshMag gave up. “We’ll get one when the bars quieter” we naively thought, there was no quiet bar, just varying shades of busy. It makes for a boisterous crowd and an exciting evening, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Moshmag loves it.

Outfits very much reflecting their crowd, DMAs look like your stereotypical Mancunian. Taking to the stage in cagoules and rain coats it makes me think I’ve been wrong about the Sydney climate all this time. Either that or they’ve been having everyone on and they’ve actually from Baguley, come to think of it I’m sure I’ve seen Tommy at a City away.

Anyway, How Many Dreams? and Olympia of the bands new How Many Dreams? album opened proceedings which naturally meant it was time to openly mock those of us without pints. Us thirsty few might not be able to get one to to drink but we weren’t short of options to wear one. By the time The Glow started I could have fashioned half a pint from the back of my t-shirt, however the relative safety of the change in intensity encouraged a sea of camera phones. Judging by the number of people on video chat The Glow seems as popular song amongst those not in attendance as those that were. It is a belter to be fair.

Speaking of belters we had a Timeless classic from 2016’s Hills End, the bands break through album before another fans favourite Silver, a song I’ve always assumed has been written about my cat (wrong spelling though lads).

A handy method for judging the popularity of a song at the Apollo is to turn round and see what going on on the top deck. Until this point the posh seat lot had made full use of the facilities, Silver soon got them on their feet though, belting it out with their rowdier more upright downstairs cousins.

Something We Are Overcoming, Tape Deck Sick and Fading Like a Picture slowed the pace down somewhat, allowing the crowd a quick breather before the now tradition elongated Hello Girlfriend. Like an old school compere refusing the move on with the show until the crowd join in Hello Girlfriend only seemed to end when the band had decided enough of the theatre was bouncing, a vintage touch in a modern show.

With the band moving seamlessly up and down gears Forever saw a return of the camera phones before front man Tommy O’Dell took the opportunity to remind the crowd of the DMAs more humble early days in this country. “This next one we remember playing in Night and Day to about 50 people in 2015” before the opening strains of Delete had the circle back on their feet, with Play it Out and Laydown keeping them up there before the encore.

D. D. DMAs! D. D. DMAs! It didn’t take long to coax the lads back out in stage. “Manchester thank you, you guys have changed our lives, thank you so much!” There’s an endearing down to earth quality to DMAs. They look like people you’d be happy to drink with and say things with a sincerity it’s hard not to warm to them. “This songs called Blown Away“, they also write some quality indie songs.

2015’s Laced provide those in attendance at Night and Day with a reminder of earlier DMAs. “It feels alright Manchester” guitarist Johnny Took informed the crowd before launching in to Feels Like 37. Whilst the crowd may have genuinely meant the lyrics they were singing along to “all I want is you to stay” it was time for the final song. Everybody’s Saying Thursday’s the Weekend (oh no they’re not) which it turns out wasn’t merely the closing song for Thursday night gigs if anyone was interested…no?…just me then?

By now you should no the score with DMAs, the lads seemingly inhabit a wonderful world of perpetual summer. Having migrated to Europe in spring you’ll find plenty of opportunity to catch on the festival circuit (though if you’ve not got tickets yet for some of their other shows you might be struggling) before swooping off to warmer climes in Autumn. The DMAs know how to put on a show, and their fans know how to enjoy themselves making their tickets highly sought after. So if you get the chance to see them this summer grab it, they’ll be flying back south for winter before you know it.

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