The Lathums // Leeds Festival 2022

Leeds Festival 2022 //Sunday 28th August 2022

Moshmag review by Jimmy Tins

I can’t imagine the Lathums wrote How Beautiful Life Can Be on anything other than a gorgeous sunny Wigan day. So as the brilliant sunshine bathed the Leeds crowd ont t’other side o’ Pennies it was interesting to see the band decide you actually can have to much of a good thing. Instead opting for a set mainly composed of some off their heavier more moodier stuff, ruining this reporters intro in the process (cheers lads).

You can’t stay mad at the Lathums long though, they just seem so god damn nice and the band did stick with their traditional walk on. Alex Moore began proceedings, casually strolling on stage immaculately dressed in a brilliant white suit to the Housemartins’ beautiful Caravan of Love. Before launching us headlong into I See Your Ghost and Fight. “Wigan?! What about Leeds? WoooooWEEEEEE!” Alex responded to the usual display of civic pride. “How are all you beautiful people doing?!”

Great Escape and Sad Face Baby proceeded Foolish Parley signalling the turn for home in the 8 song set. Foolish Parley has an American Western feel to it whilst Wickerman (a nod in the direction of the 1973 British horror film of the same name) feels like an ode to this evening headliners Arctic Monkeys. The lads closed with a proper standard rock n roll moment, vocalist Alex and guitarists Scott Concepcion coming together back to back for an extended Artificial Screens outro.

“I’m sure me and the lads will come off the stage and say ‘that was sick that, that was well good'” Alex informed the crowd, and they’d be right too, it was well good.

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